Fox Islands Wind: fails to adequately respond to Maine Public Utilities Commission

It is a pattern with Fox Islands Wind: delay, twist the dialogue, use political influence in Augusta, and at the end either refuse to answer the question by regulators or provide answers to different questions, than the ones asked. Neighbors of the wind turbines have seen the pattern, time and again, over the past year and a half seeking some fairness and equity in the costs of excessive noise from the turbines. Recently, based on a complaint by neighbors, the Maine Public Utilities Commission asked the question of Fox Islands Wind: why should ratepayers be paying the costs of complying with noise rules and regulations? Instead of answering the PUC’s specific questions, Fox Islands Wind and George Baker provided a hodgepodge of answers, including data mismatched to the commissioners’ request. This is the same strategy FIW profitably deployed with Maine environmental regulators. Here is how Fox Islands Wind Neighbors responded to the FIW submittal to the Maine PUC.

One Response to “Fox Islands Wind: fails to adequately respond to Maine Public Utilities Commission”

  1. a neighbor Says:

    Well said and so true. Why should the ratepayers have to pay for FIW decision to run the turbines out of compliance? The delaying tactics that FIW has used from the beginning and their refusal to speak with the neighbors has made it impossible to come to any sort of fair resolution. One has to wonder if FIW wants a resolution? Instead of seeking a reasonable answer, they have used ratepayer money to fight the DEP and MPUC with hopes of being able to continue to run the turbines above compliance. What is the reason for FIW’s desperate, expensive measures? One can only conclude that the money that they thought would be there with wind energy is not. We are told that our energy portion of the bill is six cents a KWH, but when we look at our bill we are seeing 12 cents a KWH. Hmmm….

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